teeth and oral care

Teeth and oral health

In this article, we will be learning about the importance of oral care health, and how it can be used to improve our beauty.

When we talk about oral health, we generally see only The bright smile, but this is not the whole thing. Oral hygiene, boost our confidence and improves our everyday health.

This article will deal with the following topics

  • Connection between oral health and beauty
  • Daily oral hygiene needs
  • Diet and oral health
  • Cosmetics for announcing dental health
  • Preventive measures for oral health

Connection btw oral care health and beauty

Our teeth and our gums are the main part of our oral health that can be seen by the others, so it is very important to take care of them as it improves our appearance and image

If we have a bright smile with properties, it will effect how much young we look. If our teeth are not aligned or have different colour than the normal ones, then it will give bad impression to others.

If we do not take proper care of our teeth and gums, then it can cause some infections and bacterial diseases that will give us bad breath and will impact our personality

If we have any missing teeth, or we have some gap between our teeth, then it will miss align the structure of our teeth and will impact our appearance

If we ever a healthy side of teeth and have a fresh breath,, then it will boost our confidence and will make us more attractive

Daily oral care hygiene needs

Maintenance of our teeth is very important for overall health and appearance. You can follow these steps to maintain.:

Using a toothpaste that contains fluoride and a brush that is soft can help us makes our teeth bright by removing the plaque from it. We should brush for at least two minutes twice a day.

Does not remove all the particles that are stuck between our teeth, so fling is the next step that is very important to remove the food particles that are stuck between them

Using a good mouthwash that contains and the bacterial properties can help us remove bacteria and bad smell from the mouth we often forget that tongue is also very important part of our oral hygiene. So we should use a tongue cleaner to remove any excess food particles or anything to it.

We should change our toothbrush every 4 to 5 months, and even before if the bristles on the brush are getting decade or they are not up to the mark

Diet and oral care health

When we talk about Ola health or any other kind of health, then diet place a very important role and is very important for the maintenance of oral health

If we eat calcium rich foods such as milk and cheese, then it will improve the strength of our teeth enamel and if we eat food which I arrange and force for us like meat, then it will help to support our treats structure

Drinking water can help us to remove anything stuck in the mouth as it flushes down through our throat

We should try to avoid any drink that contains a lot of sugar and that contains a lot of of acid because this can affect our tooth by eroding the enable that is the top layer of the tooth

If we eat fruits like apples or carrots, then they clean our teeth naturally, and they also improves the health of the gums

Taking regular vitamins is also an important part of oral health, big specially vitamin C because it helps in making our gums, healthy and vitamin D will help us to absorb calcium more efficiently

Cosmetics for enhancing dental health and oral care

If we have any abnormality in our teeth, or we want more artificial way to look good, then cosmetic surgery is the way to go

If the colour of the teeth is not bright, and I want to remove any excess plug from the teeth and we could out for teeth white process

If the alignment of the teeth is not good, then we can use braces or aligners that will put our teeth back into the correct shape

If we have some teeth that are not perfect or shipped, then we can use dental winners to cover them

If any teeth is missing, then we can use dental implants that will improve the structure of the teeth and will make our teeth look good

Gum contouring is a surgery that is available that will place our gum in the correct shape and colour so that it will improve the overall look and feel of our teeth

Preventive measures

Visiting a dentist regularly and maintaining overall health is very important if we are looking for beauty and wellness and oral healthcare. Here are some reasons why you should visit your dentist regularly.

Dentist can remove the plaque on your tooth very efficiently because they can reach the places where even your toothbrush cannot reach. That is why it will be very easy.

Visiting a dentist regularly can help us to identify if there is any issues or problems in our oral health, such as cavities or teeth gum diseases so that prevention could become easier

Visiting a dentist can help us in saving our life. You will say how so dentist can retire the sign of oral cancer way earlier than we would expect, so this could potentially save the life of our dear ones and life of our

Dentist can also offer us fluoride treatments that can help to make our enable more stronger and helps in prevention of its decay

Dentist can also use seals. They are a type of cement used for oral health that can help to fix our molar and help us to remove cavities from the teeth.


In this article, we have learnt about oral health and its relation with beauty and wellness. We have learnt about the best processes and hygiene practises. We could use to improve the wellness of our oral health.

We have also seen that diet also plays an important role in taking care of our teeth, and if we want, we can opt for cosmetic dentistry surgery to enhance our beauty even further

We then discussed about what are the advantages of visiting a dentist regularly so that it could help us improve our overall health and can protect us from various diseases

I hope you have like this article, and if you have do so, then don’t forget to subscribe

sensitive skin

Sensitive Skin and Its Care: A Comprehensive Guide

Sensitive skin is not a problem. It is a effect on skin and many people do not say it until the condition goes bad.

Since the skin causes some skin problem such as irritation, dryness and redness, and it makes it very difficult to choose skin care products that will suit the skin, but if we use the light skincare routine and write care for the sensor skin, we can deal with the sensitive skin

So welcome to our guide for the sensitive skin, and we will learn here. What are the basic causes and how we can identify and improve them.

Understanding Sensitive Skin

We can see sensitive skin as a condition of the skin in which the skin reacts very quickly and very harshly towards any external force. This reaction can cause many reaction such as redness in the skin or itching in the skin.

So due to this, the person with sensor skin feel very uncomfortable while using different products because they do not know which will affect their skin. Sensitivity does not come. According to age. It can be from any age and most all time it remains and recognised so it is better that we know it as earlier as possible.

Causes of sensitive skin

Some of the causes for sensitive skin can be genetics which are transferred from parents to their child

  • Sometimes a lot of sun or heat also extreme cold can make our skin sensitive
  • Skin condition such as eczema and also make our skin irritated and sensitive
  • Sometimes using a lot of products with a lot of chemicals, can make our skin sensitive for a long time
  • Symptoms of sensitive skin
  • Redness: skin appear red, and fluffy after using some chemicals or skin care products
  • Dryness: sometimes, sensitive skin can feel dry, even after using hydration
  • Itchiness: it is a very common symptom, and it can cause after using any product

Triggers for Sensitive Skin

If you can identify the triggers that causes our skin to be sensitive, then we can manage it. These triggers can be from some external factors, such environment or the product that we are using, or they can be some internal factors such as the genetic effects or some health related issues.

External factors:

Extreme weather conditions such as too hot or dry climate can make our skin very sensitive because it can cause problems on the top layer of the skin. It can also cause the skin cells to get damaged that can be beyond repair.

Pollution: pollution has always been a bad influence on humans, and if you talk about the skin, then it causes a lot damage on the skin. It can cause a skin to get dry and cause redness.

Skin care products: skin care products are cheap and causes some chemicals that are very bad for the skin. Then it will definitely make your skin irritated and this can cause a lot of problems, insensitive skin.

Hot showers: hot shower makes our skin dry, so it is necessary that you put a moisturiser on because if you  do not do so, then it will cause to become sensitive

Internal triggers

Diet: high sugar, High, alcohol food, and causes skin to become sensitive

Stress: emotional stress can cause our skin to become sensitive because it releases different kind of hormones in our body that can affect us differently

Hormonal changes: during pregnancy or menstruation, the skin goes through our body goes through a different kind of changes in our body that can make our skin sensitive

Health conditions: if you have some such as eczema or autoimmune than it makes our skin very highly prone to skin sensitivity

Practices for Sensitive Skin Care

If we take proper care of our skin and we can try to make our skin feel less sensitive and to feel good about ourselves. Hair are some of the ways by which we can take care of sensitive skin.

Cleaning properly: if we talk about the skincare routine for a sensitive skin, then the first step and the most basic step would be cleaning. We should not use any kind of harsh cleaners, and we should try to focus on more and more natural ways to cleaner skin skin.

We should try to go for hydrating cleaner, then chemical base cleaner. We should try to look for sulphate free and Paramount free cleaner.

We should avoid using any kind of scrub because these club contains small particles that can penetrate the skin and can cause our skin to become more sensitive and irritated

Moisturising: many times we have seen that skin is affected by dryness, so it is very important that we keep our skin hydrated, so we should try to look for the kind of moisturiser that is chemical free, and that is good for our skin without causing any problem

Try to use non-fragment products because added Faran are made from chemicals that can make our skin more sensitive. We should use lightweight moisturiser that do not form a thick layer on the skin and can be easily removed if we feel sensitivity.

Consider products with more hyaluronic acid and ceramide because it will help to keep our skin very plum and hydrated for a very long time and will be good for sensitive skin

Sun protection of sensitive skin: sun protection and using sunscreen is essential not only for persons with sensitive skin. But for all sun, exposure can create normal skin sensitive skin. If it is good for a long time, it also causes our skin to look very aged at very early age.

We should try to use Mendel sunscreen, chemical sunscreen, contains zinc oxide that helps in capping, sensitive skin, gentle, and avoid any irritation

When we choose our sunscreen, we should use a product that have more than 30 and PA triple plus protection

When we try to look for sensor skin, then we should try to use as mineral products as possible, and when we have tried a product that does not cause sensitivity, we should stick to it. We should not always look for more and more because when using many products can cause our skin to create much more sensitivity than it has before.

Right Products for Sensitive Skin

Choosing the right product is like choosing the best medicine for our body because sensitive skin react very harshly to products, so we should try to choose them very carefully because it will affect our skin in a long run

 to avoid

Perfumes :most of the perfumes that are used in skincare products contain harsh chemicals that can react badly with our skin

Alcohol: alcohol can cause dryness in our skin so using alcohol products is very useful

Scrubs: some contains very high-level of exfoliating assets which can cause our skin sensitivity to boost. So using mild acid like lactic acid products is the way to go.

Ingredients that we should look for:

Aloe vera: aloe vera has already been very famous from ages that it keeps our skin very calm, and it is used to treat irritated skin

Vitamin B3: it is used for its anti inflammatory effects, and it makes our skin less irritated to other products

Chamo mile: it has coming properties that can make our skin very smooth and can reduce any inflammation that is appearing on the skin

Oatmeal: it is a very gentle ingredients, and it is used to smoothens the skin and makes it. Let’s irritated. It is perfect for a sensitive skin that is very reactive.

Additional Tips

When we have sensitive skin, then we should also follow some lifestyle factors to keep our skin healthy

Healthy lifestyle: 

If you drink a lot of water and keypads, can hydrated than dehydration, will not cause any problem towards our skin and will keep it away from irritation and dryness

Eating a balanced diet that have good amounts of vitamin ABCE can help to reduce our skin inflammation

Stress: try to avoid any stressfree conditions and try to do meditation and yoga to keep your mind, calm, and try to follow skin care routine

Avoid scratching: if you feel that skin to be irritated, and you want to scratch and do not scratch the skin because it can cause a lot of damage and try to visit a doctor

Using lukewarm water: when we treat the sensitive skin, try to use a water that is not too hot, not too cold when we are using a shower

Choosing soft fabrics: when we choose clothes for our skin, which you try to choose as soft clothes as possible, and they should be breathable materials so that air can pass through them and can release our sensitivity

Take away:

In this article, we have learnt about what is sensitive skin. What are some of the causes of sensitive skin and how can identify the symptoms of sensitive skin?

We also learnt about the various triggers and sensitive skin

We also learnt about how we can take the care of our skin at the best possible way, and what should be the correct products and their types in order to avoid any sensitivity.

We also learnt about the healthcare factors and lifestyle factor that we should take place in order to treat sensitive skin

body care

Body Care and health care

In this article, we will learn about skincare body, care and healthcare. How we can use different skincare products to optimise our skin health and how we can use diet temp, improve our health.

Skin is one of the biggest organs that is present in our body. So this becomes a main factor that you should take care of your skin at utmost importance.

Skin act as a shield for the organs of our body and it is affected and vulnerable to various environmental things

  • UV radiation can affect our skin
  • Using different chemical toxins in our diet, such as tobacco can affect our skin
  • Not getting enough, water or fluids in the body can affect our skin
  • Ageing process effect our skin

Skin care products and body care

Dig care of your skin is very important. You should follow a regular routine or legend so that you can have the best looking skin possible. Here are the some steps that you can follow to boost your skin care.

You should clean your skin regularly, and if it is possible, do it twice a day?

You should try to apply a toner after you have cleaned your skin and especially if you have a oily skin

You should use a moisturiser to remove the dryness of the skin and to give it a good plumP

Try to exfoliate the skin twice a week to remove the dead skin cells

But skin care comes with a great deal of issues. There are various factors that affect the type of product you will use on your skin or the skincare routine that you will follow such as

If you have a fair skin, or you have a large number of moles on your skin

You try to turn your skin

If you have any irritation or allergies or skin problems

There Naina, lot of products that are available in the market for skin care, and we should try to use them according to the skin, some of the most common skincare products are

  • Moisturisers
  • Oral healthcare products
  • Hair colouring products
  • Perfumes and deodorant
  • Vitamins and supplements
  • Enzymes

Using healthy cosmetics for body care

Cosmetic has taken an important part in our life. They help us to look good and feel good. So many products are available in the market and we should try to get educated about those products before facing any issues.

If we talk about skin care, then chemical can be used as a synthetic product or artificial product. In the substance. Synthetic chemicals are made by humans in the laboratory while natural artificial ingredients are available in the nature.

We should use healthy cosmetics or chemical free cosmetics due to

To decrease the risk of any skin, irritation or allergies: many chemicals that are available can cause skin problems because we do not know about any allergy on our skin, so we should try to use less and less chemical products to avoid these allergies and their reaction

So that we can avoid harmful ingredients: some of the skincare products can contain chemicals that can be proved very harmful for your overall health, so we should try to use as much less chemical as we can

To take care of the Earth: many chemical that are used in a skincare product can cause a huge damage to the nature to the animals and to the plants so we should try to use less chemical product so that we can take care of our earth

How to choose chemical free skincare products for body care

Try to look for labels, and if you see anything such as organic natural or non-toxic, then it is possible that the product is organic or chemical free. You should also look for various certification that organic free communities provide so that you can be assured that the product is chemical free.

Read the Indian list to avoid the ingredients that may cause your skin irritation or any type of allergy. Try to look for that are available naturally.

Try to choose the products that will suit your skin and not just it is in the hype. As if you have a sensitive skin. Try to look for products that are specially made for sensitive skin. Not just all the people are using them.

Healthcare for a naturally glowing skin and body care

  • Omega three : regularly using or eating omega three can help us in our cardiovascular health in our brain development and it also helps us to protect our skin. Omega three helps us to maintain healthy skin cells by providing them hydration and it decreases any skin inflammation present in the skin.
  • Antioxidant: the role of antioxidants cannot be matched. Antioxidants helps to reduce the science of ageing and gives a glow to the skin. They also helps us in protecting our skin from UV rays.
  • Zinc: zinc is a very important part of skincare. It helps us to protect our skin from sunlight by forming an oxide called zinc oxide. Minimum requirement of should be for men at least 11 mg and it should be minimum 8 mg per day.
  • Vitamin A: if you are facing dry skin issues, then your body maybe depreciating from vitamin A. You can consume vitamin A from dairy products from carrots.
  • Vitamin C: vitamin is considered as the best source of nutrition that is available. Vitamin C gives our skin collagen that makes the skin tight vitamin C protect us from the UV rays of the skin and also protect our skin from wrinkles and fast ageing effects. We can get vitamin C from citrus fruit, like lemon oranges, et cetera. We should try to consume at least 65 to 90 mg of vitamin C per day.
  • Vitamin D: vitamin D place a very important role in our skincare routine. It helps to repair our skin cells and helps the skin helps to grow. It also increases our bodies, overall health. We can find vitamin D from direct sunlight and from mushrooms, et cetera.

We should try to consume at least 400 to 600 IU vitamin D per day

  • Collage; it is an very important and almost unavoidable part of a skincare routine because as our body ages, there is a significant decrease in the college and in our body. So if we take external college and then it will help our skin to be more elastic, and it will be free from wrinkles.
  • Water drinking water. According to our age in our body weight can help our skin to get hydrated and it will keep it tight. Water will help us to absolve the nutrition that I mentioned about to get easily absorbed.


In this article, we have read about the various skincare that we can follow. We also learned about the various nutrition that we should be taking. If you want to keep our skin tight and prevent it from any ageing effect. We also learned about chemical free products and why we should try to use them more in place of any chemical products. If you like this article, then please subscribe.

sun protection

Sun protection

Hello friends, in this article, we will learn about the importance of sun protection on our skin. We will also learn about what is SPF and how to use sunscreen. You will also learn about the adverse effects and benefits of sunlight on our skin.

When we talk about the benefit that we can get from music and sunscreen, it is much more than just protecting our skin from the sun. We should not use it only in someone only, but we should lose it in winter also.

Sun can help us to reduce the science of age can also help us reduce fine lines and produce long-term effects on our skin

Adverse effects of sunlight and how to do sun protection

  1. Sunburn: it is caused from long exposure in heart and light. It can be very severe and they can cause blisters on the skin.
  2. Solar radiation: if we are in the sunlight with a high UV spectrum for a very long time than we come under the influence of solar radiation 

The UV spectrum comes into three categories

  • UVA is responsible for training without causing any further skin problems
  • UAV is also called as sun one, and it is the main Art21 that are responsible for, and it makes our skin irritated
  • UVC is the most damaging sunlight damages tissues in the body, and it also affects the ozone layer in the Earth.

Why to use skin care products

Skin is very delicate and sunscreen protects our skin from long tongue damage. We do not see the importance of sunscreen and class. We see is effect so for the basic and protection of skin. We should protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun. You should also protect your skin from sunlight because:

  1. Sun skin protect our skin from the harmful UV rays. We know we know that you get vitamin D from the sun, but it is not necessary that you put your skin to search harsh climate whenever you go out, and you should always be the sunscreen.
  2. Sun protects our skin from premature or ageing: we all want to look young forever, but we can only protect our skin for a long time. If you use a suns, sunscreen is the most important of all the cosmetic product that you will use, and if you use sunscreen to prevent skin from the damage rather than protecting it after it is damaged and it is more beneficial.
  3. Decreases the risk of skin cancer. There is also a health benefit that is associated with when you use sunscreen daily over a long period of time. It came from various types of skin cancer.
  4. Reduce standing: whenever we go out in the sun, there is always a risk of suntanning from the harmful UV rays, but when you are using sun skin, you should see that it should be minimum of SPF 30 . We should apply sunscreen if we are in sun at every two hours.
  5. Sun screen is brighter than using a full dress: we cannot assure a guarantee that we are protected from son if we wear a full dress because I do not allow protection from the harmful age of the sun we should try to use sunscreen in place of this protection. Your skin will get protected from clothes. Just a misconception.

What is SPF in need of sun protection?

SPF is the short form for sun protection factor and it indicates level of protection. You will get when you are in the sun and protect our skin from the sun.

Another conception is that SBI 50 product will not provide double the protection of SBF 25.

SPF can tell us the approximate time our screen can protect skin. We get even if we are in the exposure of sunlight for even just 15 minutes.

So a cream with SPF 40 can contact our skin for 40×15 equals to 600 minutes

We all follow SPF routine in Samar, but we should not try to stop this or avoid this in winters or any other season. we should do something all year around.

You should follow some SPF tips:

We should try to use a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects our skin from both UVA and UVB, race of the sun.

Sunscreen, take time to get sad on your skin, so you should apply it at least 15 to 20 minutes before.

Sunny do not work for holiday. If you applied once you have to recharge it after every 2 to 3 hours.

Common FAQ

  1. How much quantity of sunscreen should be apply?

         We should try to use a sunscreen that is mentioned on the label of the product. We should use it on the most common areas such as top of the years we should use it behind the knees and we should not forget it on using on ankles, feet and eyelids.

  1. After how much time we should apply sunscreen

         Sunscreen cannot work for a whole day, even you cannot, so it’s a fact that it should be reapplied. Sunny can be washed away by doing some sports or from sweat, so we should try to re apply it after every 2 to 3 hours

  1. Should I use a more SPF sunscreen to stop tanning 

          Well, the correct answer is no just by using a higher SPF and scan will not stop your 10, but it will reduce the chances of your skin getting damaged from the harmful of the sun

  1. What does the SPF number on the sunscreen means?

         SPS stands for sun protection factor, and whenever you will purchase us protection product, it will be mentioned on the label. SPF, many protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun, but we should try to use at least SPF 50 or more

  1. Can you please explain the difference between UVB and UVA days of the sun?

           Well, these are the different parts of the UV rays that is generated by the sun. We should try to use a protection that provides protection from both of these days. UVA rays can penetrate our skin more which can cause damage in the tissues and cells of the skin and it can cause our skin look old UV be generally cause more burning effects on the skin, but UVA cause damage that is very harmful and can take years to get rid of

Both of these days can cause different types of cancer.

Take away

So if you have come to here after reading this article, I’m sure that you would have learnt about the various and protection needs, you should have known about all the adverse effects of sunlight, and what is the damage caused, 

You would have learnt about the SPF and would have learned about the various common questions that are asked by most of our readers.