
Acne and its prevention

Acne is not a new term millions of people in the world are affected by it every year. Generally it is seen when we are teenagers

, but it is seen that it has affected people of all ages.

Only on the skin with very much too much. It also affects our self confidence and self esteem. In this article, we will be learning about acne, it’s prevention professional treatment, and what can be the lifestyle changes that we can do to prevent and manage it

Causes and type of acne

If we want to treat acne, then we should first know what are different causes that creates acne and what are the different types of acne

Causes of acne

In our body, there is a sebacious gland that when produces too much oil, then it may block or clog the port of our skin, causing acne

If that can sell are put on a particular area or the form on a particular area, then they block the hair on the face that also leads to acne

Sometimes a special kind of bacteria called P acne

Blocks the skin force that gives rise to acne

Hormonal changes during pregnancy menstruation during puberty can also give rise to acne, and it is the most common cause

If we eat a lot of dairy food and we do not follow any good sleeping schedule, then it can also give rise to acne

Types of acne

Black hat and white hat: these are the most common type of acne are generally caused by blocked or clogged port

Papules: these can be seen as red plums or red solar area on the face. Sometimes it is also filled with a wild liquid called puss

Nodules: this is the most painful type of acne that can occur it forms in the skin, and it is very severe and can cause pain

Skincare for acne prevention

If we follow a good skincare routine, it can help us to prevent and manage the acne

Cleaning properly: we should use a natural face wash with less and less chemicals on a daily basis to remove all the excess dirt and oil from the face

We should try to avoid using any harsh exfoliator or scrub that when put on skin can even make the condition bad

Scrubbing: if you want to apply any exfoliator scrub, then we should not do it too. Often, we should try to limit it to only one or two times a week and if we can, then we should try to include Salic acid glycolic acid in the scrub.

We should try to avoid artificial scrubs, all the scrubs that are cheap because they contain small particles that can even damage the skin

Moisturising : we should always try to keep our skin hydrated, and we should try to use a moisturiser that should not be too heavy on the skin

When choosing a good moisturiser, we should try to look for hyaluronic acid in it

Sunscreen: sunscreen is the most basic skincare routine and we can follow to avoid acne. Whenever we choose sunscreen, we should try to see that it should be SPF 30 or more and it should be PA triple plus ranking or more.

Acne Spot treatment: if we have a lot of active acne, then we should try to use tea tree oil on the target area to stop its spread

Role of diet in acne prevention

Whatever we put in our mouth affects the overall health and can cause acne, so we should try to avoid some foods to reduce acne:

Forces that we should include:

We should try to include more vegetables and whole grains in our diet, which can stop the insulin Spike that occur suddenly which can cause acne

Try to include omega three fatty acids in our diet that is generally found in walnuts

We should try to eat food, which is rich in antioxidants, such as green tea and berries that does not only improve the condition but can also improve the overall skin condition

We should try to include zinc, rich food or food that contains zinc in our diet as they helps to reduce acne. That is very serious.

We should try to drink a lot of water because it helps to reduce the toxins in our body and make our skin fluffy

We should try to drink lemon water or green tea or any drink, which is used as a toxin removal for our body

Foods to avoid:

We should try to avoid too much dairy products as increase oil production, the skin and causes acne

You try to avoid eating too much sugary food, such as candies because they causes insulin spike, which causes acne

We should try to not eat process food much and which should stick to more national diet because process four days also leading cause of acne

Natural remedies and lifestyle for acne reduction

Natural remedies: 

Aloe vera can help to reduce the inflammation under the skin and can give relaxation to the irritated skin

Honey can be used to prevent acne

Apple cider vinegar can be used as an anti microbial as it helps to maintain the pH level

Lifestyle changes :

Try to manage our stress by doing yoga because it can also leads to acne

We should try to focus on our sleep at least seven hours per day because it can support our skin health

Doing regular exercise can also help in increasing the blood circulation which can helps in reducing stress

We should not touch our face very often because dirt and bacteria from our hands can be transferred to other skin very easily

Treatment for acne management 

Dermatological procedures:

Chemical peel: it removes all the dead skin, and that can sell from the skin and reduce the scars that are created by acne

Micro dermabrasion: it helps to exfoliate the skin that can help us to reduce the black and white that are present on the skin

Laser therapy: we also use laser therapy to target the bacteria that is causing our skin and it can help us to improve the skin 

Cortisone Injection: reduces the inflammation in the skin nodules and skin cyst

treatment: it includes micro needling and using a laser to reduce the scars that are caused by the acne


In this article, we have learnt about the causes due to which acne occurs and what are the different types of eiti is present

We also learnt about the skincare routine that we should follow to prevent any formation of acne and importance of diet in prevention and treatment

We also learnt about the natural remedies and lifestyle changes that we should follow to reduce the acne, and we also learnt about the professional treatments that we can opt if we have a lot of acne

I hope this article will help you in providing information that you need, and if you want to read more, then please click here

lips care

Lip Care: The Complete Guide for Soft, Smooth, and Healthy Lips

In this article, we will learn about wild lips are very important and how we can take care of our beloved lips. We will understand the causes for dry lips. We will try to find out the natural remedies for lip care that will be completely chemical free and then we will discuss some common mistakes of life care, and how we can avoid them.

Lip care has not been given much importance in our skin care, but it is still very important because the skin of the lips is very delicate and it deserves more attention than any other part of your face

If you do not take care of our lives, there are certain problems and live that can occur such as dryness of lives, tapping of lips that can cause irritation

If we take care of our lives, then it will surely make our face look more healthy and clean

Why Lip care is Important

We should first understand that the skin of lips is very different. It is very different. It is very thin, and it is very delicate skin. Our lives cannot produce oil on their own. That is why keeping them hydrated. It is very important.

Importance of lip care

As we have known that our lives do not produce any oil, so keeping them hydrated is very important

When our lips is continuously facing sunlight and dry wind, then it can cause our lips to crack

There is a very good chance that your lips can also face sunburn and damage from the harmful UV rays of the sun, and it can also cause lip Cancer

As we have known as the skin of the lips is very thin, so if you use any harsh chemicals then it can very badly effect our lips

Dry or Chapped Lips and How Prevent Them

Some of the most common issues that people face in their lips are dry and cracked lips. These happen mainly in the winter season, but they can also occur in different seasons. Also, our lips can get dehydrated due to:

When our body is not properly hydrated, and if there is not much motion in the skin, then our lips will also get dehydrated

Cold weather can remove all the moisture hydration from your lips, so we should try to use moisturiser on our lips in winter as much as possible

We should try to avoid our lips to lick because our saliva appears quickly, and that makes our lips more and more dry

If we are deficient in vitamin B or iron or zinc, then it will also lead to the cracking of our lips

Some other reasons could be some skin problems, such as eczema, or dehydration of the skin

Prevention of dry lips:

Drink lots of water and keep your body hydrated

Use a lip balm or a moisturiser with SPF in Samar to protect your lips from environmental factors

Try to avoid licking your lips because evaporates quickly that can cause more dryness

You can use a humidifier in dry months, so that the years around you will have moisture and your lips won’t feel dry

Try to use lip products that do not have any additional perfumes or alcohol. You can use coconut oil or butter.

Lip Care Routine: How to Keep Your Lips Soft and Smooth

There are some simple steps that we can use to take care of our lips:

Scrub or exfoliate: we often use scrubber to scrub the screen of our face, but we forget to scrub our lips scrubbing. Our lips is also important. It remove the dead skin cells on the skin and it prevents the formation of flakes our lips.

You can try to make your own scrub by using simple ingredients, such as sugar or coconut oil. This can be chemical free and will also moisturise your lips.

You can also buy lips club from the departmental store, and you should try to look for ingredients such as vitamin E or aloe vera

Moisturiser: after we scrub our lips, it is very important that we should keep them hydrated

Lip balm: we can use a lab balm that can hydrate our lips. We can use Shia butter or coconut oil as a lip balm that is natural and I also locks moisture

Lip treatment at night: if the lips are very dry, try using a thick oil on lips on the night and leave it, and in the morning, you will feel that your lips are hydrated

Protection of the lips: you should try to use a lip balm that contains SBI 15 or higher and try to reuse it after every few hours, if you are going outside

If you use a lip product that is extended, then make sure it contains SPF and should contain the least amount of chemicals. Protecting our lips from the harsh weather is also as important.

Natural Remedies for Lip Care

When we try to take care of our lips, we should focus more on natural ingredients rather than using the chemical ones. Some of the best natural ingredients that we can use to take care of our lipsa.

Honey: Honey Is the natural ingredients that can be used to put moisture into the skin? Honey is also used as a anti bacterial, and it can help incorrect lips. Use a thin layer of Honey on your lips and leave it for sometime, and we can even mix Honey with some sugar to make a natural scrub.

Coconut oil: coconut oil can also be used as a natural moisturiser, and it also provide lips with hydration

Aloe vera: aloe vera is the most well-known natural remedy that is used to so treat sensitive skin, and also it can be used to take care of our lips because the skin of the lips is very thin. We can use aloe vera directly and leave it for some time to get the best results.

Shia butter: Shia butter is also very rich in many vitamins and can repair the damaged lips and specially the flaky lips

Common Lip Care Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When taking care of our lips, we should look at the following points

Over scrubbing the lips: when we exfoliate our lips very much, then the skin of the lips can be very delicate and that can lead to many problems. It can also cause meditation in the skin.

Using chemical induced lip care products: some of the products that is available in the market contains very harmful and harsh chemicals and alcohol that can cause your lips to dry out more quickly than ever, so we should always try to look on the label for the products. Da alcohol, free and perfume free.

If we leave lipstick at night, then it will definitely cause lips to flake and will damage us. Can other lips very hardly so make sure to remove all of your make up and special lipstick at night.

You should also try to avoid licking your lips because the saliva on the lips will make it wait for sometime, but when it will evaporate, it’ll make it more dry. So instead of this, try to keep a small Liba in your pocket.

Take away

In this article, we have learnt about the importance of Lip and why the Liar is ignored over time. We have learnt about the skin of the lips and how we can use natural products to remove the dead skin and the skin of the lips. We have also learnt about the natural remedies that we can use to take care of them, and why we should not lick our lips to make them wet. If you like this article, then please click here to read more.

men grooming

Men Grooming: The Modern Approach to Self-Care

Men grooming has changed over many years. It has changed from basic to a skincare routine. Now earlier it was considered as a luxury item has now become a regular practice. Nowadays, men’s grooming is not just about you. Look good or handsome. It is also about you feel healthy, and you feel confident from inside.

If we talk about the modern men grooming movement, it has started from the mid 20th century from the growth of barber shop and men’s hair care and men’s grooming products, but in 21st century as the personal care products, immersed and more and more social media grow than men’s grooming has become an important part of our daily life In this article, we will learn about men’s grooming. Some of the products that is needed on daily basis, what is importance and some trendy looks and styles?

Essential Men Grooming Products

There are a lot of products available in today’s market, but we should choose them very wisely. According to our skin type, hair type and the needs of us. We should not use some products because they are famous and most of them are using. We should try to use them as per our needs only.


Shaving is the most basic men grooming routine. It has emerged from using razor to now using zero machines and electric savers.

Shaving requires a shaving cream on a shaving gel. This makes the hair of the beard or the shaving area soft so that when we use blade, it does not hurt the skin and do not cause any rash on the skin. We can also use aloe vera gel for shaving cream.

You should use your lasers very wisely, which is comfortable for you, but in today’s world, electric results are more common than the manual handers and don’t forget to use an aftershave. After you have used any kind of blade or laser aftershave contains alcohol and it will detect your skin from any viruses or bacteria, and will keep you away from diseases.


The most common skincare routine includes

Cleaning face with a good cleanser that helps you to remove any kind of dirt or dust particles oils that are expected from your skin. You should choose your face wash according to the type of your skin.

Scrub: face wash alone cannot be used to treat the skin scrub, which is used so that it removes all the skin cells which is present on the skin. We should use scrub at least one or twice a week.

Moisturiser: moisturiser helps to keep our skin hydrated. It keeps it away from dryness and itchy problems. Some moisturisers may have some protection also, and some other chemicals that can protect us from age.

Hair Care

Good looking hair gives a men’s appearance, a boost a classic loop and the confidence to present themselves, so choosing the right hair care product is very essential for maintaining a good look

Shampoo and conditioner: while choosing a shampoo, it is very important which kind of shampoo you are using according to your hair type, and we should try to use a shampoo and conditioner which contains less and less chemicals because prolonged use of chemicals can damage our hair

Hair gel: if you want to hold your hair at a specific place, then we can use hair gel, hairspray or hair wax. We should use them in less quantity and should try to reduce the usage and use them whenever it is required most.

Hair oil: if you have long hair, hair, oil or hair serum can help us to reduce the angles in the hair and add a shine to our hair hair oil is used to massage the scalp of our head and it increases the blood flow which results in good quality hair

Body Care

Body care in men’s grooming comprises of body washes to deodorant and anything that makes our skin feel fresh and confident

Body wash: a body wash helps us to clean the skin and makes it feel fresh body wash comes in different variety and can be used as a shampoo, face wash and body wash all together in just a single product

Perfume or deodorant: after bathing using a deodorant can help us feel more fresh can help us feel confident, and can avoid sweating .

Lotion: body lotion is used to moisturise the whole body. If you ever dry skin, then moisturiser can act as a miracle for us. It helps us to keep our skin hydrated and reduce itching as on the skin.

The Importance of men Grooming for Mental and Emotional Well-being

When we talk about men’s grooming, this is not only about looking good. It has some mental and emotional effects as well on our body. If we take care of our body and we take a time to treat ourselves, then it will relax our mind and will put our focus Towards our healthcare

Self-care practice: when we practise men’s grooming or any kind of grooming, it helps us to focus on our body and our needs. We dedicate our time towards ourselves to take care of us, so it keeps our body relaxed and reduces stress and makes our focus more.

Increase in confidence: when we try to look good, we use different products. We make a we make a routine. Then when we do some things, it will definitely lose our confidence because when we look good, we will feel good. It can start even with a small chain, such as using moisturiser to have a new haircut.

Good mood: some reports show that men feel more energised after taking care of themselves. When we do grooming, we put our focus on our physical care and this releases a hormone called endorphin.

Improve mental health and hygiene: if we are facing any stress in our job or in our life or we are anxious, then men’s grooming can act as a very good therapy for us. It can provide us with a routine that can make our bedtime go away and we can easily tackle the day if we will feel confident, and we will feel stress free.

Trendy men Grooming Styles and Popular Looks

We should be not choosing what to do what not to do. According to others. We should be ourselves, and we should feel confident in whatever we do, but if you want some suggestion, they are some already proved styles. That will definitely look good.

Clean shave and look: from many years, the clean look has remained a classic and it is considered as a mature look. If we want a clean look in our job and we want to look neat and tidy, then clean shave look is the way to go for it.

Beard: we can see from the last 10 years that most people now try to keep a beard, so the beer trend is back on and you should hop on it. There are a lot of different styles for beard and beard has now become more masculine and stylish if you want to keep our beard up-to-date, we should keep beer trimming products and beer oil with us.

Fade haircut: in today’s world, the fade haircut is the most popular ones that is available in the market. In this, there are rare variety such as low fade, high fade or skin fade. In this type of cut the sides of the hair are shorter than the top of the head.

Tips for Men grooming

When we talk about roaming, then it is not a one day job. It is all around job and we should do it daily to maintain a good look and good health. Here are some of the tips that you can use on a daily basis to keep your grooming up-to-date.

daily routine: we should try to create a daily routine that can have a basic of whatever we need to do such as we should do shaving on a daily basis. We should take care of our skin and health on a daily basis. We should not try and hesitate the product and because these products take some time, we should have confidence in them that they will work, but they will take some time.

Quality products: when we talk about grooming, then high-quality is the way to go. Maybe it will be heavy on your wallet, but it will surely help you look good. Your skin will feel more bright and a hair will be more so cut your corners of money from the unwanted expenses and invest them in high-quality product

Follow the basic: when we make a new routine, we should not try any trend that we do not know about, and we should always try to stick to the basics that is cleanliness, hydration, and protection. These three should be the part of any men’s grooming at any stage.

Trimming: when we talk about facial hair or head, regular cutting is essential. We should use a good trimming tool for trimming our beard and we should use a laser to cut the edges of the beer in a nice way, and we should take a fresh haircut in few weeks to maintain our hair look.

Take away

Hello friends, in this article, we have learnt about the men’s grooming and basics of men’s grooming. We have learnt about some history of men’s grooming and we have also learnt about some essential products that we will be needing for the men’s grooming part.

We also learned about some skincare products and hair care products that is needed, and we also have seen the importance of men’s grooming for mental health

We also discussed about some popular looks that are trending and you should try them, and we also discuss about some basic maintaining tips for men’s grooming. If you like this article and you want to read more, then please click here.

perfumes in beauty

Perfumes and fragrances

In this article, we will learn about the various types of perfumes. They uses their importance. We will try to know about what are the different types of perfumes available. Which perfume will suit best for us?

We have known that perfume have taken a special place in our culture. From many years. Perfumes are around us from the era of Kings perfume helps us to show our emotions more clearly and to stand out from the crowd.

If we see history that during the middle ages, perfumes were used for religious purposes, one of the first perfume making industry was set up in France

Composition of fragrances and perfumes

Vacancy perfume as a composite mixture of different types of oils, water and alcohol, but to mix them in the correct quantity and write ratio is the science behind it. Some perfume need to be combined with hundreds of ingredients to make that perfect Send. There are three main types of notes in the perfume.

Top note: this is the smell you get when you apply the perfume for the first time. These are the latest smell. They are generally made with citrus and spices, and their time is very less around 15 to 30 minutes.

Heart notes: these notes comes into play. After the completion of top note. They provide the perfume with depth and fragrance. Generally, these are made from fruity and spicy ingredients. It last around from 30 to 120 minutes.

Base note: these are the notes that give the perfume. It’s long duration time. They lost from several hours to up to our day. They are made from ingredients such as sandalwood, vanilla extract or chocolate.

Types of fragnancrses

Parfum: this is the most heavily concentrated that contain main perfume oil around 30%. It is so much concentrated that it can last up to 24 hours and that is why it is the most expensive among all the perfumes and fragrances available.

EDP: these have a consideration of around 20% and they are less concentrated than the main perfume. These last around 5 to 8 hours and are very popular among youngsters.

EDT: these have even less concentration they have around 15% perfume while in them, and last around five hours. They are mostly used for daytime.

EDC: these have very less concentration of around 5%. They are very light perfume and are used for a quick refreshment. They last around two hour.

Manufacturing of perfumes

Various steps that are involved in manufacturing of perfume are:

The first step is the collection of the ingredients from various sources. Some of the main sources can be plants and animal products sources can be produced synthetic.


The first step is the distillation was the ingredients are heated at very high temperature and then they are condensed so that the extracted essential oil can be used. Then a solvent is added. Then it is mixed with alcohol and essential oil. Then it is collected into a oil base and extracted with alcohol.


Now the oils are blended into the perfume, and the sentence is mixed with alcohol

Benefits of perfumes

It makes you attractive: when we wear a different type of fragments, it improves our personality. It shows what kind of person we are, so if you want to attract other gender, then we could try to wear the pregnancy that they like, and this could make them attracted towards us.

It improves your image and enhances your personality: when we want to change our mood and show someone what kind of person we are, then we can use a frag that can be luxurious and relaxing. Pregnancies have a very impactful effect on other persons.

It boost self-confidence: if we are feeling low, then we can use a high perfume with a high note so that whenever we will go somewhere, people will look at us, they will feel the smile and they would feel the power and luxury. This will help us to boost our self confidence.

Provides relaxation and relief: perfumes are a mood and answer. If you use a citrusy type of smell, then it will be best for the days and if you used a sandalwood type of, then it will be best for a night. It provides a relaxation and it makes our memories even better.

Improves mood and emotions : some perfumes are stored by the brain so that whenever we smell them, it makes our memory triggered the same person, so perfumes can help us improve our mood and then announces and emotions

Creates a first impression: if you want to impress some person than using a good perfume, that is right for the occasion will be the best option for us because it will first impression for them and tell them what kind of person we this can help us to create a best first impression that will last long

Helps in personal hygiene: perfume helps to cover the body smell and improves our personal hygiene. We should not consider perfume as a replacement for bathing, but using good frag can help us feel fresh and clean if you use a body spray just after bath that it can also help us to feel more fresh and clean.

We could feel luxury: it is never a doubt that perfume and a luxurious product wearing a good perfume can make other people feel about our luxury and even we cannot deny it. If you wear a very good then it can make a simple day into something very special, we will see us as a elegant and confident person.

Take away

Perfume is a Send that offers various benefits not just smell, but it also improves the mood and expressions. In this article. We have learnt about the various benefits of the perfume. How the perfume is manufactured and what are the perfume types that will suit your best if you want to know more about perfumes and pregnancies, click here.

sun protection

Sun protection

Hello friends, in this article, we will learn about the importance of sun protection on our skin. We will also learn about what is SPF and how to use sunscreen. You will also learn about the adverse effects and benefits of sunlight on our skin.

When we talk about the benefit that we can get from music and sunscreen, it is much more than just protecting our skin from the sun. We should not use it only in someone only, but we should lose it in winter also.

Sun can help us to reduce the science of age can also help us reduce fine lines and produce long-term effects on our skin

Adverse effects of sunlight and how to do sun protection

  1. Sunburn: it is caused from long exposure in heart and light. It can be very severe and they can cause blisters on the skin.
  2. Solar radiation: if we are in the sunlight with a high UV spectrum for a very long time than we come under the influence of solar radiation 

The UV spectrum comes into three categories

  • UVA is responsible for training without causing any further skin problems
  • UAV is also called as sun one, and it is the main Art21 that are responsible for, and it makes our skin irritated
  • UVC is the most damaging sunlight damages tissues in the body, and it also affects the ozone layer in the Earth.

Why to use skin care products

Skin is very delicate and sunscreen protects our skin from long tongue damage. We do not see the importance of sunscreen and class. We see is effect so for the basic and protection of skin. We should protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun. You should also protect your skin from sunlight because:

  1. Sun skin protect our skin from the harmful UV rays. We know we know that you get vitamin D from the sun, but it is not necessary that you put your skin to search harsh climate whenever you go out, and you should always be the sunscreen.
  2. Sun protects our skin from premature or ageing: we all want to look young forever, but we can only protect our skin for a long time. If you use a suns, sunscreen is the most important of all the cosmetic product that you will use, and if you use sunscreen to prevent skin from the damage rather than protecting it after it is damaged and it is more beneficial.
  3. Decreases the risk of skin cancer. There is also a health benefit that is associated with when you use sunscreen daily over a long period of time. It came from various types of skin cancer.
  4. Reduce standing: whenever we go out in the sun, there is always a risk of suntanning from the harmful UV rays, but when you are using sun skin, you should see that it should be minimum of SPF 30 . We should apply sunscreen if we are in sun at every two hours.
  5. Sun screen is brighter than using a full dress: we cannot assure a guarantee that we are protected from son if we wear a full dress because I do not allow protection from the harmful age of the sun we should try to use sunscreen in place of this protection. Your skin will get protected from clothes. Just a misconception.

What is SPF in need of sun protection?

SPF is the short form for sun protection factor and it indicates level of protection. You will get when you are in the sun and protect our skin from the sun.

Another conception is that SBI 50 product will not provide double the protection of SBF 25.

SPF can tell us the approximate time our screen can protect skin. We get even if we are in the exposure of sunlight for even just 15 minutes.

So a cream with SPF 40 can contact our skin for 40×15 equals to 600 minutes

We all follow SPF routine in Samar, but we should not try to stop this or avoid this in winters or any other season. we should do something all year around.

You should follow some SPF tips:

We should try to use a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects our skin from both UVA and UVB, race of the sun.

Sunscreen, take time to get sad on your skin, so you should apply it at least 15 to 20 minutes before.

Sunny do not work for holiday. If you applied once you have to recharge it after every 2 to 3 hours.

Common FAQ

  1. How much quantity of sunscreen should be apply?

         We should try to use a sunscreen that is mentioned on the label of the product. We should use it on the most common areas such as top of the years we should use it behind the knees and we should not forget it on using on ankles, feet and eyelids.

  1. After how much time we should apply sunscreen

         Sunscreen cannot work for a whole day, even you cannot, so it’s a fact that it should be reapplied. Sunny can be washed away by doing some sports or from sweat, so we should try to re apply it after every 2 to 3 hours

  1. Should I use a more SPF sunscreen to stop tanning 

          Well, the correct answer is no just by using a higher SPF and scan will not stop your 10, but it will reduce the chances of your skin getting damaged from the harmful of the sun

  1. What does the SPF number on the sunscreen means?

         SPS stands for sun protection factor, and whenever you will purchase us protection product, it will be mentioned on the label. SPF, many protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun, but we should try to use at least SPF 50 or more

  1. Can you please explain the difference between UVB and UVA days of the sun?

           Well, these are the different parts of the UV rays that is generated by the sun. We should try to use a protection that provides protection from both of these days. UVA rays can penetrate our skin more which can cause damage in the tissues and cells of the skin and it can cause our skin look old UV be generally cause more burning effects on the skin, but UVA cause damage that is very harmful and can take years to get rid of

Both of these days can cause different types of cancer.

Take away

So if you have come to here after reading this article, I’m sure that you would have learnt about the various and protection needs, you should have known about all the adverse effects of sunlight, and what is the damage caused, 

You would have learnt about the SPF and would have learned about the various common questions that are asked by most of our readers.

nails care

Nail care and art

Hello everyone, in today’s article, we will learn about nailcare and nail art. We will learn how we can take care of her nails and nail art words in 2025 or not. 

History of nail art and nail care

Nail art can be tasted from 5000 to 3000 BC, where women used to colour their nails with mehendi.

Modern manicure was developed in 1800s, with invention of wooden stick called orange stick. After that from 1980s, nail art has been very popular.

Types of nail art

Nail art is not just bounded by a single art. They are various types of hearts that involved in it. Some of them are

Classic nail polish: yes, you heard it right. Even the classic nail polish that you used to lie is also a part of nail art. In this method of nail art. Women used to apply nail polish and then a coating over it.

Acrylic nails: these are also called official nails and they are created by using a mixture of acrylic powder and a chemical called monomer due to their high and structured design. They are used more popular than the classic nail polish.

But they are downside is that they are difficult to use and can be very, very expensive when compared to classic nail polish

Gel nails: a chemical is used and it is given the shape of the nail that you desire. Then, after that the nails are put under the UV light where solidified nails are more durable than acrylic nails, but they are very expensive and they can be very difficult to use.

Nail wraps: as the name suggests nail wraps are applied to the nails and are premade before their applied. They are easy to use and can be applied in a quick time. They come in a variety of designs that can be used to make our choice.

Nail labs can even be applied over classic nail polish or acrylic nails

Stamping: as a name, uses a stem and design is made on it when it is present on the nails designed transferred to the nail

Stancil: in this, we use a pre-card or designed paper and it is put on nail after that nail polish or some pain is applied and it takes a shape of the play cut design

Hand painting: and bending make use of various brushes, tools, colours, and design things to create a design on the nail

Process of nail art and nail care

Method one, prepare your nails:

Before applying any nail polish or doing any nail art on your nails, you should make sure that your nails are clean and free of any dust.

Before doing any nail art, try to shave your nails and keep them neat and clean.

You should apply whenever you are trying to apply a nail polish or doing any nail art. You should  apply the first layer of base code, then you should apply the second layer.

Method two beginner design

Hum humare na Khoon ko Do Alag Rang Se Bhi Colour kar sakte hai . Phir Hum Bako lagaoge aur Hamari Police ko Sukh na Denge Humpe Frenchmen Kaka sticker Bhi laga sakte aur ghar Hamare paas sticker nahin Hai hai to Kagaz mein Chhat kar Ke Usko Gola kar sticker Bana kar Hum laga sakte hain

Hum Hamare Nanu Par koi Gehna Ya sticker Bhi laga sakte hain ki Shuruaat Hum sabse Pehle Apni pasand Da nail polish laga kar kar sakte hain Phir Uske baad koi Sundar Sajawat kar sakte hain

Hum humare nail Par glitter glitter effects me Dal sakte hain . Lose glitter, ko nail polish, Ya nail gel Ke Saath Bhi Milakar Apne nail Par apply kar sakte hain. aur Upar Se ek nail coat Lagaye Uske baad ise Sukh na De aur Upar Se Apni Man pasand nail polish Lagaye.

Method three polka Dot  :

Hum pal ka design Se Hum humare Nail’s par dots Vali design B Bana sakte hain.

Polka design mein Humne Par flower Valley design Bhi Bana sakte hain

Humpolka dot Ke Andar animal Print Ke designs Bhi Bana sakte hain

Method 4 blended colour designs

Hum Beko Pe ek Alag nail polish colour ka Use kar sakte hain aur Uske Upar Hum ek different colour Se Swirl Bana sakte hain

Create a water colour effect is case may Humko do Ya Bose Jada colour key need  Hoti Hai . ek White colour ki aur doosra Hum Hamari pasand ka colour le sakte Hain.

To make acid washed nails: method, mein Hum acid Siri Wash ki huye nails, Bana sakte hain acid mein jeans Jaisa look create karne Ke liye Hum white colour Ya blue colour ka use Karte hain.

Fingernails do and don’t to

What we should do 

Keep your fingernails, warm, dry, and clean to keep them away from germs and dust and bacteria, viruses

Try to use manicure practises and use nail clippers to put your nail in good shape

Don’t forget to use the moisturiser after cutting your nails or having a good bath

Try to take a good nutrition and maintain a healthy diet to make your nails look good and pink, and they will not become brittle or weak if you practise such conditions

Fingernail care, what you should not do

Please, you should avoid biting anyone else because it can damage the nail bed and even minor damage to your nails. Can make them send your lustre and can infect you .

You should use nail care protection products, and you should try to choose them without acetone

If you’re facing any problem that is not going away in one or two days, and you should try to see the symptoms online and visit a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

hair care image

Hair care

Hair care means to use products and to use them in such a way that they will help us to clean our hair and to maintain the look of the hair. Using only products does not complete the hair care., hair care also comes with the care of our scalp, the hair on the faces and hair on the other parts of the body bod

Hair care services are generally offered in various saloons, barber, shops and spaz, and there are a lot of products available for hair care.

What are the types of hair

The shape of hair depends on the curls of a person’s hair

Common types of hair are

  • Stick straight
  • Straight
  • Wavy
  • Big curl
  • Small curls
  • Density

Hair density refers or says that the total number of hair that a person can have on their head or the number of hear the person has on their head is called their density. The more the number of hair person has done more the density of the hair will be.

Hair thickness depends from person to person. The hair of some persons can be thin and some persons can be taken at all. Depends on the genetics. Research also has shown that the hair fibres become stronger as the person becomes older.

Porosity: This term that is hair velocity can be said as the measurement of the amount of moisture. A person‘s hair can hold hair parity depends on the number of gaps and tears that can be present in the critical layer of hair. The critical layer can be termed as the outer layer, which protect From the dust, moisture and various types of wear and tear.

Chemically treated hair or bleach, hair can hold more water due to damage than the untreated hair or natural hair

Hair care tips

We should wash the hair which shampoo as much as we need. Shampoo cleans the exile that present on our scalp and the amount of the oil depends from person to person so the person who has more oily skin or who gets more oil on their scalp needs to shampoo more than the other person, so we should concentrate on champagne in the scalp when ever we do shampoo.

After shampoo our hair, every time we should try to use a conditioner. A conditioner is also hair product that is used to soften our hair and it is generally used on the end of the hair or on the hair tips.

When we are ready after shampoo and conditioning, we should try to dry our hair using a towel or a dry napkin instead of a hairdryer because a hair dryer can sometimes cause some damage to the quality of the hair and the strength of the hair

Research shows that if we use blow dryer, 15 cm away from the hair and move it continuously, then it can cause less damage than the normal air, dying of the hair

Whenever we use brush in the hair, we should make sure that the hair is done, and we should do the white tooth com rather than a thin comb

If it is possible, we should try to limit wearing any hair extension, and if we wear them, we should try to wear the lightweight hair extension. If we wear a hairstyle extension that is tight and that is pulling our hair back. Then it can lead to hair loss or traction alopecia.

Whenever we are treating our hair with chemicals, we should try to do only one thing at a time, such as If You’re doing hair colour and we should only do hair colour and not any other things on here because if we do so, then our hair are more susceptible to breakage, and it can cause hair, loss, and thinning of hair

For straight hair people should avoid 

  • using products that are made specially for dry hair
  • Coconut and Joba oil
  • Any other product that are based on oil
  • Any products that needs to be left on the hair

People with straight hair should wash their hair more frequently and use gentle shampoo and towel when washing their hair

For curly hair people

  • Should reduce the quantity of shampoo used
  • Try to air dry or use a diffuser or blow dryer to dry their hair
  • Avoid very dense or thin comes and brushes while brushing their hair
  • People with girly hair should avoid using any hair styling tools that uses heat such as hair straightener

Tips for taking care of thick hair:

Take care, people should use hair gel, hair butters, hair mask, and they can also use many hair oils that are thick nature such as coconut oil

People with thick hair can also use brushes that are dense because they act good on thick hair. These brushes have less and they remove notes without breaking the hair or damaging your hair.

Hair care tips for thin hair

  • People with thin hair should try to use
  • Shabir that is made for dry skin
  • Washing their hair regularly
  • They should try to apply conditioner to their hair as much as they can

Hair loss

It is a scientific fact that people lose approximately 50 to 150 hair per day. This event happens during the day while we are washing the hair or while we are brushing their hair while we’re blow drying the hair. It is a part of nature, but the problem occurs when we lose more here than they grow. That’s where the problem starts.

There can be various reasons for this. There is a very very common calls for this, and this is known as Andro genetic alopecia. This condition is prevalent, impacting 50% of the global population. In men, hair loss typically manifests on the crown of the head, whereas in women, it is primarily observed in the crown region of the scalp. Additionally, in women, hair loss may also result from certain medications, including contraceptives, or from various thyroid-related issues.

You should contact a doctor as soon as possible, if you follow these symptoms such as

Experiencing sudden hair loss

  • You see bold patches appearing on your head
  • If you are losing your hair in clubs clumps
  • If you are sensing a burning sensation or some itching on the scalp

Now the question that comes to your mind is. Hair loss, preventable.?

Well, there is no scientific evidence to prove that hair care can prevent the thinning of hair, but we can use certain shampoo essential oils and we can also focus on our diet and exercise so that we can take an hour here

We see that the hair of every person is different, some of the person, scary thick hair, some straight hair, some Curly hair, so hair care is depending on the types of hair data person has and we should take care of them according to their qualities

Take away

After reading this blog, I am sure that you should have known about hair care and various types of hair. We have also tried to tell you about the different types of hair and how to take care of each of them. We have also discussed about hair cause problem, and if there is any scientific way to stop it.

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