Sun protection

Hello friends, in this article, we will learn about the importance of sun protection on our skin. We will also learn about what is SPF and how to use sunscreen. You will also learn about the adverse effects and benefits of sunlight on our skin.

When we talk about the benefit that we can get from music and sunscreen, it is much more than just protecting our skin from the sun. We should not use it only in someone only, but we should lose it in winter also.

Sun can help us to reduce the science of age can also help us reduce fine lines and produce long-term effects on our skin

Adverse effects of sunlight and how to do sun protection

  1. Sunburn: it is caused from long exposure in heart and light. It can be very severe and they can cause blisters on the skin.
  2. Solar radiation: if we are in the sunlight with a high UV spectrum for a very long time than we come under the influence of solar radiation 

The UV spectrum comes into three categories

  • UVA is responsible for training without causing any further skin problems
  • UAV is also called as sun one, and it is the main Art21 that are responsible for, and it makes our skin irritated
  • UVC is the most damaging sunlight damages tissues in the body, and it also affects the ozone layer in the Earth.

Why to use skin care products

Skin is very delicate and sunscreen protects our skin from long tongue damage. We do not see the importance of sunscreen and class. We see is effect so for the basic and protection of skin. We should protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun. You should also protect your skin from sunlight because:

  1. Sun skin protect our skin from the harmful UV rays. We know we know that you get vitamin D from the sun, but it is not necessary that you put your skin to search harsh climate whenever you go out, and you should always be the sunscreen.
  2. Sun protects our skin from premature or ageing: we all want to look young forever, but we can only protect our skin for a long time. If you use a suns, sunscreen is the most important of all the cosmetic product that you will use, and if you use sunscreen to prevent skin from the damage rather than protecting it after it is damaged and it is more beneficial.
  3. Decreases the risk of skin cancer. There is also a health benefit that is associated with when you use sunscreen daily over a long period of time. It came from various types of skin cancer.
  4. Reduce standing: whenever we go out in the sun, there is always a risk of suntanning from the harmful UV rays, but when you are using sun skin, you should see that it should be minimum of SPF 30 . We should apply sunscreen if we are in sun at every two hours.
  5. Sun screen is brighter than using a full dress: we cannot assure a guarantee that we are protected from son if we wear a full dress because I do not allow protection from the harmful age of the sun we should try to use sunscreen in place of this protection. Your skin will get protected from clothes. Just a misconception.

What is SPF in need of sun protection?

SPF is the short form for sun protection factor and it indicates level of protection. You will get when you are in the sun and protect our skin from the sun.

Another conception is that SBI 50 product will not provide double the protection of SBF 25.

SPF can tell us the approximate time our screen can protect skin. We get even if we are in the exposure of sunlight for even just 15 minutes.

So a cream with SPF 40 can contact our skin for 40×15 equals to 600 minutes

We all follow SPF routine in Samar, but we should not try to stop this or avoid this in winters or any other season. we should do something all year around.

You should follow some SPF tips:

We should try to use a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects our skin from both UVA and UVB, race of the sun.

Sunscreen, take time to get sad on your skin, so you should apply it at least 15 to 20 minutes before.

Sunny do not work for holiday. If you applied once you have to recharge it after every 2 to 3 hours.

Common FAQ

  1. How much quantity of sunscreen should be apply?

         We should try to use a sunscreen that is mentioned on the label of the product. We should use it on the most common areas such as top of the years we should use it behind the knees and we should not forget it on using on ankles, feet and eyelids.

  1. After how much time we should apply sunscreen

         Sunscreen cannot work for a whole day, even you cannot, so it’s a fact that it should be reapplied. Sunny can be washed away by doing some sports or from sweat, so we should try to re apply it after every 2 to 3 hours

  1. Should I use a more SPF sunscreen to stop tanning 

          Well, the correct answer is no just by using a higher SPF and scan will not stop your 10, but it will reduce the chances of your skin getting damaged from the harmful of the sun

  1. What does the SPF number on the sunscreen means?

         SPS stands for sun protection factor, and whenever you will purchase us protection product, it will be mentioned on the label. SPF, many protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun, but we should try to use at least SPF 50 or more

  1. Can you please explain the difference between UVB and UVA days of the sun?

           Well, these are the different parts of the UV rays that is generated by the sun. We should try to use a protection that provides protection from both of these days. UVA rays can penetrate our skin more which can cause damage in the tissues and cells of the skin and it can cause our skin look old UV be generally cause more burning effects on the skin, but UVA cause damage that is very harmful and can take years to get rid of

Both of these days can cause different types of cancer.

Take away

So if you have come to here after reading this article, I’m sure that you would have learnt about the various and protection needs, you should have known about all the adverse effects of sunlight, and what is the damage caused, 

You would have learnt about the SPF and would have learned about the various common questions that are asked by most of our readers.