Body Care and health care
In this article, we will learn about skincare body, care and healthcare. How we can use different skincare products to optimise our skin health and how we can use diet temp, improve our health.
Skin is one of the biggest organs that is present in our body. So this becomes a main factor that you should take care of your skin at utmost importance.
Skin act as a shield for the organs of our body and it is affected and vulnerable to various environmental things
- UV radiation can affect our skin
- Using different chemical toxins in our diet, such as tobacco can affect our skin
- Not getting enough, water or fluids in the body can affect our skin
- Ageing process effect our skin
Skin care products and body care
Dig care of your skin is very important. You should follow a regular routine or legend so that you can have the best looking skin possible. Here are the some steps that you can follow to boost your skin care.
You should clean your skin regularly, and if it is possible, do it twice a day?
You should try to apply a toner after you have cleaned your skin and especially if you have a oily skin
You should use a moisturiser to remove the dryness of the skin and to give it a good plumP
Try to exfoliate the skin twice a week to remove the dead skin cells
But skin care comes with a great deal of issues. There are various factors that affect the type of product you will use on your skin or the skincare routine that you will follow such as
If you have a fair skin, or you have a large number of moles on your skin
You try to turn your skin
If you have any irritation or allergies or skin problems
There Naina, lot of products that are available in the market for skin care, and we should try to use them according to the skin, some of the most common skincare products are
- Moisturisers
- Oral healthcare products
- Hair colouring products
- Perfumes and deodorant
- Vitamins and supplements
- Enzymes
Using healthy cosmetics for body care
Cosmetic has taken an important part in our life. They help us to look good and feel good. So many products are available in the market and we should try to get educated about those products before facing any issues.
If we talk about skin care, then chemical can be used as a synthetic product or artificial product. In the substance. Synthetic chemicals are made by humans in the laboratory while natural artificial ingredients are available in the nature.
We should use healthy cosmetics or chemical free cosmetics due to
To decrease the risk of any skin, irritation or allergies: many chemicals that are available can cause skin problems because we do not know about any allergy on our skin, so we should try to use less and less chemical products to avoid these allergies and their reaction
So that we can avoid harmful ingredients: some of the skincare products can contain chemicals that can be proved very harmful for your overall health, so we should try to use as much less chemical as we can
To take care of the Earth: many chemical that are used in a skincare product can cause a huge damage to the nature to the animals and to the plants so we should try to use less chemical product so that we can take care of our earth
How to choose chemical free skincare products for body care
Try to look for labels, and if you see anything such as organic natural or non-toxic, then it is possible that the product is organic or chemical free. You should also look for various certification that organic free communities provide so that you can be assured that the product is chemical free.
Read the Indian list to avoid the ingredients that may cause your skin irritation or any type of allergy. Try to look for that are available naturally.
Try to choose the products that will suit your skin and not just it is in the hype. As if you have a sensitive skin. Try to look for products that are specially made for sensitive skin. Not just all the people are using them.
Healthcare for a naturally glowing skin and body care
- Omega three : regularly using or eating omega three can help us in our cardiovascular health in our brain development and it also helps us to protect our skin. Omega three helps us to maintain healthy skin cells by providing them hydration and it decreases any skin inflammation present in the skin.
- Antioxidant: the role of antioxidants cannot be matched. Antioxidants helps to reduce the science of ageing and gives a glow to the skin. They also helps us in protecting our skin from UV rays.
- Zinc: zinc is a very important part of skincare. It helps us to protect our skin from sunlight by forming an oxide called zinc oxide. Minimum requirement of should be for men at least 11 mg and it should be minimum 8 mg per day.
- Vitamin A: if you are facing dry skin issues, then your body maybe depreciating from vitamin A. You can consume vitamin A from dairy products from carrots.
- Vitamin C: vitamin is considered as the best source of nutrition that is available. Vitamin C gives our skin collagen that makes the skin tight vitamin C protect us from the UV rays of the skin and also protect our skin from wrinkles and fast ageing effects. We can get vitamin C from citrus fruit, like lemon oranges, et cetera. We should try to consume at least 65 to 90 mg of vitamin C per day.
- Vitamin D: vitamin D place a very important role in our skincare routine. It helps to repair our skin cells and helps the skin helps to grow. It also increases our bodies, overall health. We can find vitamin D from direct sunlight and from mushrooms, et cetera.
We should try to consume at least 400 to 600 IU vitamin D per day
- Collage; it is an very important and almost unavoidable part of a skincare routine because as our body ages, there is a significant decrease in the college and in our body. So if we take external college and then it will help our skin to be more elastic, and it will be free from wrinkles.
- Water drinking water. According to our age in our body weight can help our skin to get hydrated and it will keep it tight. Water will help us to absolve the nutrition that I mentioned about to get easily absorbed.
In this article, we have read about the various skincare that we can follow. We also learned about the various nutrition that we should be taking. If you want to keep our skin tight and prevent it from any ageing effect. We also learned about chemical free products and why we should try to use them more in place of any chemical products. If you like this article, then please subscribe.
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